Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Lately the topic of negative social media impact on individuals became very popular and  I thought I might have something to say, too.

While reading several articles about why and how exactly Facebook and/or  Instagram "airbrushed reality" are bad for us (e.g. Do you have FOLO? (Fear of life offline) ELLE UK ,  December 2015), I realised that I do have some of these issues as well.

I am very sensitive and I did notice that when I browse Facebook and see how people constantly get married, become parents etc. eventually it all makes me feel sad. By the way, scientists have given this phenomenon a name  - "Facebook depression". So this is for real.

Don't take me wrong, please: I am happy for them, as I always say, - good for them! :) , - however all this information just bombards me and my mind starts its yet another "mocking session": What's  going on with my life? Where am I going? When am I gonna have kids?
And finally:  

when do people have time for all this? 

Sometimes I don't even have time to apply my eye cream in the morning, so I am probably not ready to be a parent yet )))

Of course I do realise, that if I would spent watching The Office series (American version!)  and my beloved bloggers and music videos on YouTube, surfing or Instagram  for inspirational images at least half the time, perhaps my life would have been more fulfilled. I also hardly ever leave my work on time, plus the 1,5h commute and hectic (sometimes very tiring) life in the big city ... So each day is a challenge, you know! ))

But this is what I am also working on (recently finished an excellent book I know how she does it by Laura Vanderkam), that helped me to understand, how me to get more control of my time. I have even managed to squeeze the gym in, which I am very proud of. Now have to go there more often though, but nevertheless I am improving, and that is the main thing.

And even though some of my ex-classmates already have 2 kids and I am still behaving like a 15-year-old sometimes,  I just want to do my own things at my own time, without being pushed or stressed, or impacted by someone elses choices. 
Well,  ideally, I want to live forever, or even have several lives at the same time... why is it too much to ask? :))

With Instagram my opinion is more controversial and I haven't made up my mind yet. On the one side, I am what you call a very visual person, so for me the aesthetics means a lot! However I do agree that we should definitely not overuse the filters and change the reality completely by adding contrasts and adjusting brightness again and again... until it is fake. The question for everyone is: how much editing is OK? At most times, I use Amaro, X-Pro II or Mayfair filters (I sometimes like to put a hint of FADE effect as well). I do quite like Aden, it is very warm, however it is a little bit too red-ish. But I always apply only 20-30, sometimes 50% (out of 100) of them to my images, not more.

And if it is nature, - which is one of my biggest sources of inspiration , - I don't apply any filters at all at most times, as the colours are already beautiful!

Another question is what to post. Selfies? Lunches? Pictures from night outs?

When we have been in Cuba recently, it was quite curious to observe a group of American tourists sitting at the table next to us in one of Havana old town cafés. They did't talk or laugh much, but took lots of classic "I'm in Cuba"  themed pictures featuring cigars, Mojitos, hats... and they really tried to smile and made it look as if they are having fun. They have tried hard, man! You should have seen it!

We were witnessing Real life vs (what's shown on) Social media difference. And it was sad.

The difference between what we want people to see or to be captured and real life is a very 
interesting subject.  Even when little kids, we are being told to smile for the camera  and not to show our grumpiness to get a so-called perfect picture. We were very well trained to hide our feelings and real emotions and demonstrate the world our pretty face.

Well here's a portrait of 5 year old me. I am not quite sure why do I look so serious on most of my childhood pictures and this in particular, but at least I know that I was real.

And maybe it is time to come back to that state.

And a relevant short movie, that most of you must have seen already, but nevertheless:

Monday, October 19, 2015

MASSIMO DUTTI: Fringe Bluchers and Sneakers review

Dear friends,

I want to share with you my two beautiful autumny buys. It is two pairs of shoes from Massimo Dutti.

1. Black Fringe Bluchers

I have seen something similar at TOD's, the options are incredibly beautiful (and of course, brand is know for its comfortable shoe wear), the quality and colour combinations are superb, however unfortunately they are also fairly expensive. The price for the models  that I fancied starts from £300.

As this style currently is very much in fashion and I was not keen on being "yet another" girl , who's wearing tasselled loafers (I love the style,  but to be fair with you, I am quite tired to see them literally everywhere! Those, who have a pair, - don't hate me! :)) , I started to look for alternatives and quickly found a decent option from one of my beloved and trusted brands, - Massimo Dutti.

The lining is 100% sheep leather and the cut is made of 100% cow leather.

They are comfortable, stylish, not too masculine looking, great with trench and cropped skinny black trousers (or recently I have seen similar style worn with a burgundy colour leather skirt and it looked so great!). Loving them!

PS The fringe detail is also removable! So it is "two in one"!

Price: £79.95, currently available on

2.Black Sneakers

Smart lifestyle sneakers was another thing that I was looking for.

Those that are not for the gym, but everyday hectic life. A style, that would allow to look presentable, while moving fast in crowded city jungles.

And again, I did not want to opt for a New Balance option, which is so popular right now!

These have a nice combination of fabric and leather lining and same as the first model, - they are very comfortable.

Price: £59.95. Currently on .

PS Thanks for the pictures:

I believe that's it for now, I still have to make a post about our relatively recent trip to York.

And what you are up to the Autumn? Any shopping joys you want to share?

Feel free to get in touch: Helen's Life blog on Facebook  x #helenslifeblog on Instagram.


Saturday, September 19, 2015


This time, my beauty column is dedicated to Dolce&Gabbana brand, and its "Monica" lipsticks in particular.

But before we go into product description, I thought it would be nice to find out first, who is that signature Dolce&Gabbana beauty? What's the look?

Women, that come to my mind first, are Scarlett Johansson, Monica Bellucci and Bianca Balti.

It's that incredibly sensual look that is being presented, I think of Dolce woman as warm, very attractive (so it is hardly possible to resist) and seemingly friendly/approachable, however these are only first impressions that often make a trick.

I believe that behind the angelic appearance, - seems like Dolce beauties could be one of the Michelangelo creations, it's that Italian Renaissance look, - there is also strong character with many demands to be pleased.

Beauty itself is a very powerful tool to achieve what you want and I think Dolce woman knows that well like no one else.

На этот раз, мой небольшой бьюти-обзор посвящен бренду Dolce&Gabbana, с особым акцентом на помаду из их коллекции "Monica".

Однако перед тем как приступить к описанию и моих впечатлениях непосредственно о продукте, я решила немного поразмышлять о том, какой образ несет в себе женщина бренда Dolce.  Кто она и каким характером обладает? 

Одни из первых красавиц,  которые приходят мне на ум при упоминании бренда, это, конечно, Моника Белуччи, Скарлетт Йохансон и модель Бьянка Балти.

Мне кажется, женщина в стиле Dolce является воплощением очень чувственного образа. Ее привлекательность настолько сильна, что чарам устоять практически невозможно. 

Однако за ангельской, безупречной внешней оболочкой скрывается стальной характер, чувство собственного достоинства и высокие требования, а порой и немного капризный характер... Однако чего не простишь настоящей красавице! 

Женщина Dolce как ни одна другая осознает, насколько сильным и мощным оружием может быть красота и умело использует это себе на пользу. 

Now back to the lipsticks :)

A little while ago I was in search of a perfect lipstick for everyday. Many options from different brands (Chanel, Hourglass, Dior, Bobby Brown etc.) were considered, however Dolce's "Monica" seemed to be the best to meet my needs.

This collection is named after brand's muse, - M. Bellucci, and is available in 9 shades, that are all beautiful to be fair! 

I wanted something pretty neutral so I could effortlessly wear to work, but not too nude, as while being naturally pale that would just blend with my skin tone. 

So for my everyday life I picked "Gentle Monica" shade, that instantly made me fell in love! 

It is a delicate and subtle shade, yet it provides you with a very rich and elegant colour and still make your lips pop. I believe that this collection's nude shades are the best to demonstrate the plumping effect of this lipstick as they enhance your natural lip shape and make them look fuller, but again, - in a very natural way!

Я находилась в поиске помады, идеально подходящей на каждый день, для работы. Что-то, что было бы достаточно нейтральным (чтобы не заморачиваться с нанесением), но в то же самое время не слишком белесым и светлым, так как такие оттенки мне не к лицу.

Рассмотрев и попробовав варианты от разных брендов (Chanel, Hourglass, Dior, Bobby Brown и т.д.), я пришла к выводу, что помады из серии "Monica" в исполнении Дольче отвечают моим требованиям лучше других.

Коллекция представлена в 9 оттенках (каждый из которых по-своему прекрасен)  и  посвящана давней музе бренда, красавице Беллуччи (отсюда и одноименное название - "Monica" .)

Цвет "Gentle Monica" покорил меня сразу, - насыщенный, благородный оттенок карамели, прекрасно подчеркивающий форму губ,  делая их немного полнее.

Думаю, что именно нюдовые оттенки данной коллекции как нельзя лучше демонстрируют эффект подчеркивания объема губ, обещанный производителем.

Then I also wanted something brighter, which made me to discover shade "Only Monica", - one of the most popular in this collection.

It's a beautiful pink that can be a show-stopper if you apply it generously and make it look very bright, however I do like putting it on top of my lip balm and make it more subtle. Due to this is a moisturising lipstick it might create an effect of a lip gloss as well! 

В качестве более яркого оттенка, я выбрала цвет "Only Monica", который оказался одним из самых популярных в линейке.

Это достаточно яркий, жизнеутверждающий розовый цвет, который, в зависимости от способа нанесения, может менять свою интенсивность от легкого, едва уловимого блеска и до очень насыщенного пигмента.

Днем я предпочитаю наносить (как бы легко вбивая) эту помаду поверх бальзама или гигиенической помады, получается эффект свежих и нежных губ,  - как цветок розы.

А для вечернего варианта, - несколько слоев (или даже один, просто плотный!), черные стрелки, - и вперед!

All in all I would definitely recommend you to consider these lipsticks, the texture is great (they won't dry your lips!), they last well, plump your lips and colours are rich and beautiful!

Дорогие друзья, я действительно могу порекомендовать вам эти помады для рассмотрения. Отличная текстура (они не сушат губы), плотный, насыщенный цветом пигмент, хорошая стойкость и красивая гамма оттенков!

Before we finish it off, I just would like to offer you a little visual inspiration. I admire how Dolce and Gabbana are celebrating such values as family (or shall I say grande famiglia? :)) in their campaigns and woman as a happy mother (especially in their Winter 2016 show) as well as seductive and beautiful wife.

Однако прежде чем попрощаться, я хочу предложить вам визуальную подборку для вдохновения. Мне очень симпатично то, как бренд Dolce&Gabbana в своих рекламных кампаниях (и в одном из последних показов Зима 2016 в особенности) подчеркивает важность и красоту женщины в качестве матери, символа большой и шумной итальянской (и не только!) семьи, а также статной красавицы.


And one more small thing: this post (as almost any other) was very time-consuming to create, and while making it I had an accident - when text was almost done it was fully deleted, so I had to start all over again... My point is, please, show your support, - like, share or comment, - that REALLY means a lot to me! 
Subscribe to blog's Facebook page and Instagram #HELENSLIFEBLOG .

Thanks in advance, sending Love!

И еще кое-что напоследок: на создание этого поста (впрочем, почти как и любого другого), ушло много энергии, сил и времени, которого катастрофически мало, друзья :)) Более того, со мной случился пренеприятнейший инцидент, во время которого уже практически готовый полный текст (на двух языках, прошу заметить!), был случайно удален, без какой-либо возможности восстановления... Пришлось начинать все с начала. С нуля :)
К чему это я...? Да к тому, что буду очень рада, если вы поддержите мое увлечение и проявите свою виртуальную любовь :) Ну там, "лайк" поставите или "поделитесь"! Для меня это ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО важно и всегда ОЧЕНЬ приятно!!!
Для тех, кто еще не в теме, подписывайтесь на страницу блога на Фэйсбуке и присоединяйтесь к шайке на Инстаграм #HELENSLIFEBLOG .

Спасибо заранее, люблю!

Friday, September 4, 2015


Recently most of my make up was done using Charlotte Tilbury products ( that everyone's currently talkin' about! ) .

For those who are interested these are my first impressions: 

1) Light Wonder Foundation (shade 2) has a nice liquidy texture, fairly light coverage (so concealer in my personal case is a must), quite shiny (non-matt!) finish and a very reasonsble price of £32 

2) Retoucher concealer (shade 2) can be used not only under the eyes but also to cover the blemishes, redness and any other imperfections. Liked a pleasant gentle texture suitable for a sensitive under-eye area

3) Airbrush flawless finish pressed powder (shade 1) is OK however I do prefer loose powders and I needed to touch up the T-zone fairly quick after as it got shiny 

4) famous Filmstar bronze and glow product: for me this product is a little bit too much for everyday  use however I believe it might be nice for evening going outs and photoshoots 

5) I quite liked the idea of a Colour Chameleon pencil (mine was Amber Haze) that is meant to enhance your eyes' natural colour 

6) And last but not least Full Fat Lashes mascara is really great! It's easy to apply and does not make your lashes feel heavy while is claiming to provide Curl-Separation-Length-Volume-Drama effect.

All in all my first impressions are in general positive, most probably I will be getting myself a foundation (however for me number one foundation is still Tom Ford), concealer, mascara and The Feline Flick (eyeliner pen). Still hesitating whether I should treat myself for a Colour Chameleon pencil (probably not this time).

Hope this small review was helpful and if you have a chance definitely don't miss the oppurtunity to try these products! Check Charlotte Tilburry's YouTube channel ,  she is a great professional as well as very charming,  powerful and charismatic woman! 



Sunday, August 30, 2015


Hello there, 

as I have started to attend fitness classes I am quite into sportswear right now.  

I had no idea that there are so many styles of trainers (e.g.  Football, Running, for everyday city life, Training etc.) and they feel so different when you try them on.

The best style to match my needs and also the most comfortable, lightweight, flexible and soft in the ankle area (at least personally for myself) appeared to be Nike Free Training 5 Breathe .

I really enjoy wearing them and would definitely recommend them for those who need trainers for regular fitness classes! 

Всем привет,

поскольку с недавнего времени я по-немножечку начала заниматься спортом, вопрос спортивной одежды и, в частности, обуви для меня стал особенно актуален.

Перемерив множество моделей кроссовок (я и предположить не могла, что некоторые из них, в зависимости от назначения. могут настолько сильно отличаться по уровню комфорта на ноге) я пришла к выводу, что наиболее подходящая для меня модель от Nike это Free TR 5 Breathe (см. на фото ниже).

Эти кроссовки очень легкие и практически невесомые, с эффектом гибкой подошвы, что идеально подходит для моих занятий фитнесом. Еще, они исключительно мягкие в задней части (там где щиколотка) и это очень здорово, так как я могу с удовольствием носить их даже на голую ногу! 

Так что всем, кто находится в поиске, обязательно рекомендую померить и присмотреться!

Picture source:

While I was looking for my perfect pair of trainers I have managed to collect quite a nice selection of images by now. 

Just want to share them with you in case someone is out there seeking sports fashion inspiration! 
And now - please enjoy! :)

Ну а теперь традиционная визуально-тематическая подборка для вдохновения, а для кого-то может и для мотивации! :)
