Saturday, February 14, 2015


Размышляя на тему предстоящего Дня Святого Валентина, я долго думала над тем, какого формата пост был бы наиболее правилен и уместен для данного праздника. Можно было с головой окунуться лишь в визуальную составляющую данного вопроса и сделать вам романтично-стильную подборку из супер-привлекательного кружевного нижнего белья, свечек, туфелек, красных помад и т.д. и т.п. (собственно, этого также никто не отменял и это все тоже будет, обещаю! :)) 

Но затем я решила, что,  по случаю этого праздника мне важно вам не только показать, но и сказать.

Главным образом то, что я хотела бы донести, относится, наверное, в первую очередь к тем, кто уже состоит в отношениях. 

Часть I

Не пренебрегайте своими любимыми, пожалуйста. 

Знайте, что, не зависимо от того, как долго вы прибываете в этом союзе, вы все равно особенная (-ый) для своего любимого (-ой), а он (она), - для вас. И об этом очень важно помнить, ведь со временем это чувство "особенности" притирается, глаз - замыливается, чувство эксклюзивности и гордости, а также высоко поднятой головы по причине того, что он (она) со мной, -  очень часто становится, к сожалению, меньше, если не пропадает совсем. А помните тот приятный момент, когда вы впервые вышли со своим любимым (-ой) в свет, перед этим долго собирались, крутились перед зеркалом целый день, искали лучший образ, лишь только чтобы соответствовать тому, кто будет в этот вечер с вами рядом? 
Чтобы удивить, вызвать желание и восхищение в его (ее) глазах...

Ведь в конце концов никто никого не держит и не заставляет. Все мы ( в большинстве своем,  - я сейчас не говорю о тех случаях, когда пару по каким-то причинам определяют родители) свободные люди, и с кем и как нам быть, - решать лишь нам.

Эмоции, всегда такие хрупкие и капризные... Иногда нам может показаться, что "тут не так", и "это все не то", а вот у них, - других,  - все ярче, краше... Быть может дело не во мне,  и, чтобы жизнь вновь заиграла красками, мне надо лишь, делов-то и всего, - партнера поменять...

В такие моменты (а такие моменты, хоть раз, наверняка, случались у большинства из нас) я рекомендую вам посмотреть на ситуацию, и на свою вторую половину в частности, со стороны и на минуточку представить, что точно также как вы, как женщина (или мужчина) можете быть интересной для кого-то (вне ваших отношений) как объект новый, свежий, неизведанный, а оттого желанный... так и ваш партнер (партнерша) может оказаться таковым для кого-то еще.

Гоните прочь рутину, развивайтесь! То, что с другим человеком эмоции будут ярче, лишь иллюзия, и через пару лет (а то и раньше) вы найдете себя задавая такой же вопрос. 

Легко быть интересным и вызывать желание у того, кого не знаем, - ведь эти люди еще не в курсе наших самых ненормальных "тараканов"  и недостатков, запрятанных куда подальше на время первых робких свиданий и походов в кино. Они (эти новые люди) не видели нас дома в растянутых на коленах трениках и не носили нам чай в постель, когда мы болеем уже 10 дней...

Поэтому для тех, у кого, возможно, сейчас в отношениях "осень", осмелюсь дать совет, - не ищите легких путей. Будьте желанной, красивой, и самой любимой для своего мужа (мужчины) или же смелым, харизматичным и самым обаятельным для своей девушки или жены. 

Не оставляйте остроумные шутки или новые платья для новых компаний, порадуйте ими любимых, тех, кто с вами вместе уже много лет...

Такой путь постоянной работы над собой, безусловно, более сложен и тернист, но, одновременно, гораздо больше интересен! И ничто по своей ценности не сравнится с тем, когда вы вместе прошли "огонь и воду", вместе развились, вместе к чему-то пришли...

Не пренебрегайте своими любимыми, пожалуйста. 
Ведь тогда есть вероятность, что и вами тоже не пренебрегут.

PS А для тех, кто еще в поиске: С Днем Святого Валентина, крошки! Все самое интересное и яркое лишь впереди :))


While thinking about how to surprise you on Valentine's Day, I was considering many options if to be honest enough with you. One of them was to go purely visual and do what I probably enjoy most doing, - create mood boards, - with playful lace lingerie, scented candles, red passionate lipsticks, killer high heels... (those, who are real visual freaks, same as me, - don't you worry, as all of this is still due to come! :)

However I just realised that this time it is very important for me not only to show, but also to say something to you.

My small essay is dedicated mainly to those, who are already in relationship.

Part I

Don't disregard your lovers, please, don't give up on them.

No matter how long  you are in this particular relationship and no matter how much you are already used to each other,  remember,  that  you are very special to your partner, same as  he or she is special in a way, - to you.

It's very often that that feeling of being special to someone you love and treat that someone, - as  extremely special , - just disappear with time,  it fades as old polaroid postcard... Your eyes are getting used  to her/his everyday image; your body, - to already-known-in-advance moves and lips.

It wasn't always however like this. You used to be proud and excited  to go out  with that particular person,  you used to be nervous and shaky before your first clumsy dates.  There was, as they like to say...  oh yes,  those famous butterflies  in your stomach !   You know that nice feeling so well...

Emotions are hard to control  and at certain point it is very easy to allow them to take control over you. And here you go: "There something's missing, I don't understand...", "All (other) people live their lives  at 100% whereas I just exist"..."What if the matter is just in my partner?", "What if I end this, - full stop!, - and then start all fresh?"

It is, however, a big illusion to think that with a new person in your life something will change. Yes, it might, at the very beginning, but after couple of years (if not months) you will find yourself at exactly same place asking exactly same questions. So what's the point?

In case you are now finding yourself in the "Autumn" of your current relationship, try to look at this situation from the outside and imagine for a minute, - that your partner (oh yes, the one you think you know already everything about!) is completely unknown and therefore so interesting and attractive to someone. And that someone's looking forward to discover your beloved. 
Same as you might meet someone who will be very interested in you, and it is flattering and nice, let's not deny this, however think about it from another point of view:
it is very easy to be all-that-beautiful-and-magical-from-head-to-toe to that other, new person (whoever it may be). That man (or woman) hasn't seen us in our "only for home" outfit, he/she hasn't seen us sick, with greasy hair, doesn''t know our fears, or how we freak out...And, let's be honest,  that's  something that you won't disclose about yourself on the first date!

So my point is, appreciate what you already have and work on the sparkle within your union. Giving up and finding a new person will always be the easiest thing you can possibly do, whereas constantly working on self-improvement and still staying attractive to your husband or wife even after 10 years of marriage will be always tricky! I know, it might be a cliché, - but very true! :) 

The last, however, is a rewarding path to take. I believe there is nothing more valuable than a feeling of a strong family, that overcame several difficulties and resisted so many temptations, searched for compromises and put that other person on a first place... in order to create something pure and good. Something that you will both be proud of, - that's a Treasure.

Get out of the relationship routine, take courage, allow yourself to be a little wild! Surprise your other half, be interested, be interesting to yourself!

Don't disregard your lovers, don't give up on them. Cause if you won't, there is a chance that someone won't give up on you as well.

PS And to those, who's still in search of their happiness, - Happy Valentine's! The real fun is yet due to begin :))


Часть II  x  Part II

И, как я и обещала, визуальный подарок в студию! Тем более, что в этот раз я подошла к "подборке" с более творческой стороны! Надеюсь, вам оба комплекта придутся по вкусу: первый, более монохромный, классический и второй, - роскошный, декадентский.

And as I promised, - please see my visual presents for you below! This time I tried more creative approach while making this style sets, I really hope you will like them, I tried my best!
First, - monochrome, classy; second, - decadent, chic.

Monday, February 9, 2015


В настоящий момент пишу, находясь под большим впечатлением от мастер-класса, который  звучит у меня на фоне. Случайно "набрела" на это видео на просторах YouTub-a, и, поставив из любопытства, уважения и своей большой симпатии к Ксении Собчак, - поняла, что это видео, -  именно то, что мне нужно прямо сейчас!

Спешу поделиться, так как искренне верю, что кому-то, как и мне, данные советы могут оказаться не только полезны, но и будут способны вдохновить/побудить на какие-либо действия. 

Из того, что я уже услышала, в очередной раз отметила для себя эти, - в теории, знаю, очень банальные и всем известные, но на практике достаточно сложные, -  вещи (простите, если где-то чуть-чуть отклонюсь от цитаты и немного перефразирую, суть одна):

"Люди, которые идут от своей страсти и интереса, не думая о результате, - достигают успеха."

"Когда желание славы перевешивает страсть, - это сразу чувствуется."

"Найти точку, - "Этим делом я могла бы заниматься целый день"."

"Найти что-то и конвертировать это в профессию."

"Найи такую точку и есть большое счастье. Делая что-то, поставить себя на второе место, забыть о себе. Думать о предмете, - главное."

"Решиться делать что-то, что является для тебя по-настоящему важным."

"Люди не хотят быть использованы. Они это чувствуют. Они хотят что-то получать."

"Перенастроить себя на режим "Отдавать"."

"Хорошо получается только то, во что ты действительно вкладываешь душу".

"Стоит никогда своих мечт не бояться. Потому что в конце концов это и есть самое главное. А не то, как иногда мы пролистываем один день за другим. На самом деле это и есть самое страшное что с нами происходит. Потому что дни идут, а мы просто в них находимся и проживаем свою жизнь как черновик".

Последнее всегда меня особенно пугает, и про "пролистывание дней" очень четко сформулировано.  И идея про режим в первую очередь "Отдавать", а не "Брать", -  очень понравилась. Ах, Ксения Анатольевна, спасибо, буду с удовольствием слушать дальше!

Знаю, что такой вот экспресс-пост это, пожалуй, не совсем формат данного блога. Еще и на русском, не английском языке! )) И фэшн-картинок даже никаких нет :)) Но, в конце концов, для меня в данном конкретном случае важнее поделиться, и, что называется, - Отдать. Как я уже сказала, даже если этот пост окажется полезным только одному человеку, - это уже очень и очень хорошо!

Пошла слушать и думать дальше.


Saturday, February 7, 2015


As I just came back from my first proper ski holiday, I thought it might be nice to share with you some of my tips that you will hopefully find useful.


Comfortable skiing is impossible without appropriate clothes. Full stop!
When getting ready for your holiday, please make sure you have following things prepared:

1. Ski balaclava. Yes, you cannot just put ski helmet on your head and it is an essential addition to your skiing wardrobe. This item will not only protect your face, neck and head from low temperatures but also will make wearing your helmet much more comfortable. For keeping the warmth during windy/snowy weather I would recommend you to tuck it in your high-neck ski top.

Turtle Fur Balaclava

2. Ski pants. When choosing ski pants (as well as ski jacket) make sure you pay attention to waterproof/breathability rating of the item. I didn't know about this before due to I assumed that all ski clothes are automatically waterproof etc., but our friend Tamara (who helped with the whole preparation process a lot) pointed out that it is very important to check what rating this particular item has in order to understand what level of resistance is provided. Please take a look at the chart that I found and borrowed from the page and find out more information about what waterproof rating is by clicking this link.

My pants had only 5,000 mm of waterproof resistance and  I felt absolutely comfortable, although I have to admit that I haven't been "laying" on the snow much :)

Perfect Moment
Imok Padded stretch-shell ski pants

3.Ski jacket. When choosing your perfect jacket, make sure you can fully close the zip on top and there's enough space in the hood for your helmet. Unfortunately my hood appeared to be too small and I couldn't keep it on while skiing, which, believe me, during strong snow/wind makes a big difference. Also, as mentioned above, pay attention to the waterproof rating (mm) , my jacket had 35,000 mm rate.

Colour Block Kaja-D Down Jacket 

4. Thermal underwear: leggings + top. Particularly due to your actual ski pants might appear to be quite thin, it is very important so that you layer your clothes, in order to keep you warm at all times. As it was very cold, I wore even two thermal tops when skiing. Besides, ski pants are not very pleasant against the skin, so I would say that thermal underwear is totally a must.

Merino wool-jersey top & leggings 

5.  Sports bra.
Remember that skiing is a sport activity on the first place,  and I personally felt very comfortable wearing sports bra to support my assets :)

Lucas Hugh
Rio printed stretch and mesh sports bra

6. And casual/comfortable briefs! 
I am a big fan of beautiful lace lingerie, however when you ski, - opt for convenience, good support and comfort!

Coton Paradis Belina Briefs

7.  (Yet) Another top! 
Put it on top of your sports bra and thermal underwear. Preferably with half zip fastening to keep your chest and neck warm.

Aline Crystal Zip Top

8. Ski socks. Ideally, 2 pairs of them. I also always put regular socks first before these.

Women's SK 4 Pro Race 

9. Gloves. It might be quite tricky to choose them and be prepared that they might cost a lot! I was deciding between British brand Nevica and French company Salomon . As I was buying them during the sale, it was hard for me to understand whether Nevica gloves, that used to cost £65 originally (and £24 during the sale)  were really much better then Salomon gloves (£35 originally / £25 during the sale). However after my persistent questions one of consultants explained that Nevica items are normally quite overpriced and brand is known mainly in England, whereas Salomon is a professional brand known in Europe and you pay mainly for the quality of the item. I bought the Salomon ones and I am quite happy with how they served me during my trip.

Women's Griffin Pro S Glove

10. Ski Goggles.
I was lucky that a friend of ours had two pairs and was able to borrow one to me, whereas my partner had to buy them right at the resort as skiing without them was impossible! During one of the days, there was extreme weather conditions (strong snowfall, fog etc.), you could barely see anything! So anti-fog goggles is a must, especially from a safety point of view.
Make sure that you do your research and invest in goggles that will provide you with not only fog control, but also with lenses for different weather conditions (sun, snowfall etc.)

House of Holland
+ Roxy Rockferry Ski Goggles

11. For those, who have long enough hair, - don't forget about hair ties! Such basic thing, but can make a big difference, - you really don't want your hair to go onto your face while skiing, it's annoying! :)

Forever 21
Knotted Hair Tie Set

PS The list of products mentioned above is suitable and necessary for both men and women, besides, of course, sports bra and I suppose that in most cases hair ties as well :)


Depends on where you go of course, but also think about what you will wear outside your skiing hours!
I travelled in my UGGs and was 100 % sure that it will keep my feet dry and warm, but as soon as I got to Switzerland I realised that they are suitable only for English winter! :) Unfortunately after my attempt to dry my poor beloved UGGs, I ended up ruining them, as this leather is probably not suitable for drying them after a walk in a snow path.

Unless you will use a car at all times, for cold places with a lot of snow you need more appropriate footwear for certain weather conditions. So if I'll go there next time, - I will make sure I am prepared properly.

Caribou Suede and waterproof rubber boots


Before my trip, my colleagues treated me with a very nice Birthday present (once again, - thank you!!!), - Skiing Body Care Collection from Clarins.
I did not take all of the products with me, however I used some of them every day during my holiday:

Sun Control Stick for Sun Sensitive areas UVA/UVB 30

I did not use any make up while skiing. The only thing that is important to me while being active outdoors, - is to protect my skin from sun and wind, keep my lips moisturised and my brows shaped (as they are pretty much the only thing that stays visible!))

In Tax Free zone, I bought myself this famous Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour* Lip Protection Cream (see below)

As well as  Benefit "Gimme Brow" gel in light/medium shade. 

Would definitely recommend both of these beauty products! Shame I did not try them earlier (especially the brow gel)! I might actually tell you a little bit more about these beauty must haves later on.


In case you (same as me) don't have your own ski equipment, when planning your holiday budget, take into consideration that you will have to hire these:

Ski boots
Ski Poles


Pass to resort pistes: 49 CHF* daily per person after 11am (pistes open until 4:30 pm)
Skis, boots, poles and helmets rental will cost you around 150 CHF for 4 days.

*CHF = Swiss Franc

Useful tip: If you are a very entry-level skier and taking private lessons with instructor is not part of your plan, once you have your equipment hired, don't "run" to resort pistes straight away! Try to find a children slope somewhere in your area and practise there a little bit first, at least you will feel more confident and won't lose money for paying entrance fee.

E.g. I used to be taught how to ski, but last time I did it was probably 5 years ago, so I am glad that I managed to remember and practise the moves first.


If you are in UK, you could check Sports Direct - we bought thermal underwear there, the service, however, is probably worst I've ever experienced in London, so don't expect much from this shop, I think you can even get better assistance in Primark! :) (In case someone will be interested what exactly happened, - let me know :)

I bought my gloves in Lillywhites (from Salomon, french brand, - £25 after the discount),  but most of the things were successfully purchased in TK Maxx !!! And if you have a chance, I would probably recommend to go there first and to look for real "clearance" bargains, e.g. for professional ski jacket that would normally cost you around £350 and more I paid just £45, and for pants (normally also around £250) ... £20!

I'd say in total for all my ski clothes (including accessories such as balaclava, ski socks and gloves) I paid around £130-£150, - but I must admit that I was really lucky with some bargains!

Of course it depends on how often you ski, e.g. a friend of ours, who lives in the resort area and leads a very active lifestyle, invests way much more in her ski clothes.


Travel Insurance! Such winter sports as skiing, snowboarding etc. can put you at increased risk of traumatic injuries, so no matter how good you are it is always better to make sure you are insured before you go! E.g. I was skiing in Switzerland where all medical services are extremely expensive, so in order to secure myself I just went to my bank and arranged Travel Insurance (cost me just £8.50 per month (with Barclays) and I could cancel it right after I am back home from travelling). Be aware what exactly is covered by your insurance (equipment lost etc.) and keep in mind that in most cases your insurance doesn't work when you ski off-piste.

PS    "Part Two"  with  my  own pictures from ski holiday in Switzerland including more information  about our trip is due to come... in the next post! As I am sick now and hopefully will get better soon...
 Hopefully you will find this information useful, stay tuned & don't forget to follow this blog on  Facebook: as well as  Instagram: .
